Richard Marfell

Richard is able to combine personal training with sports massage and nutritional advice – an excellent combination, and one which differentiates him from other therapists, both in terms of knowledge and skills.

Sports massage involves the use of individual client assessment, related soft tissue techniques and post-treatment advice to manage, manipulate and rehabilitate the various soft tissues of the body. It can be applied to alleviate a variety of aches and pains, whether they arise in a sporting or recreational context or simply from the stresses of modern life.

Building a successful relationship with you and motivating you to achieve your personal fitness goals is important to Richard. Being considerate to your personal situation and your individual needs is also a vital part of Richard’s caring style.

Richard uses his qualification as a nutritional advisor to show people the impact eating choices have on the body. He delivers expert advice for improving eating habits for weight management and general health and keeps up to date with the latest thoughts on diet and health, with a special interest in how diet and behaviour affect body composition. With a helpful, understanding and friendly approach he enables his clients to achieve a healthy long-term change in lifestyle and eating patterns with proven results.

Richard also offers One to One Personal Training:

By working closely with Richard you will reach your goals faster by maximising your workout session – truly an investment in your health and wellbeing.

No matter what your age or current ability, Richard will help you develop by nurturing and educating you in all aspects of health. He will get to know what you are capable of doing and help you with your technique through caring and non-judgemental support. Richard believes that exercise should be a mix of fun and excitement together with genuine care and understanding. Everyone can benefit from working with a trainer.

I like to help my clients through listening to their needs and advising them on how to choose the best path to improve their health and well-being. I do this, not through shouting and pushing, but through empathising and taking a friendly and supportive approach.